
求XBOX360版 乐高加勒比海盗攻略 是XBOX360版的,不是psp

求XBOX360版 乐高加勒比海盗攻略 是XBOX360版的,不是psp


求XBOX360版 乐高加勒比海盗攻略 是XBOX360版的,不是psp

成就图 英文 中文 成就分数

Welcome to the Caribbean! 12G

Complete Port Royal 完成Port Royal

Hello, poppet! 15G

Unlock all Elizabeth characters (Single Player Only) 开启Elizabeth的所有角色(单人模式)

The Green Flash 15G

Watch a sunset 观看一次日落

You may throw my hat 40G

Collect all the red hats (Single Player Only) 收集所有的红帽子(单人模式)

A weather eye on the horizon 15G

Use a spyglass 使用望远镜

More what you'd call guidelines 15G

Complete the Brethren Court 完成Brethren Court

A pirate's life for me 15G

Test any custom character 测试任何自订角色

The worst pirate I've ever seen 15G

Complete Port Royal in Story with zero studs 完成Port Royal的故事情节并没有得到任何图钉

The Brethren Court 25G

Unlock all the Pirate Lord characters (Single Player Only) 开启Pirate Lord的所有角色(单人模式)

The best pirate I've ever seen 15G

Complete Port Royal in Story without dying 完成Port Royal的故事情节并没有死亡

On Stranger Tides 20G

Complete the Film 4 story 完成Film 4的故事情节

Take what you can 65G

Collect all Gold bricks (Single Player Only) 收集所有的金砖(单人模式)

At World's End 20G

Complete the Film 3 story 完成Film 3的故事情节

The Curse of the Black Pearl 20G

Complete the Film 1 story 完成Film 1的故事情节

Dead Man's Chest 20G

Complete the Film 2 story 完成Film 2的故事情节

Do you fear death? 25G

Unlock all the Flying Dutchman crew characters (Single Player Only) 开启Flying Dutchman的所有角色(单人模式)

The pirate all pirates fear 25G

Unlock all the Queen Anne's Revenge crew characters (Single Player Only) 开启Queen Anne's Revenge的所有角色(单人模式)

Believing in ghost stories 25G

Unlock all the cursed Black Pearl crew characters (Single Player Only) 开启Cursed Black Pearl的所有角色(单人模式)

Now bring me that horizon 100G

Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only) 100%的完成游戏(单人模式)

Here there be monsters 15G

Get eaten by a creature in deadly water 在deadly water被怪物吃掉

Gents, take a walk 20G

Walk on the sea bed with all possible characters 与所有的角色在海边散步

I am a bad man 15G

Play a level with all Extras turned on (Single Player Only) 在一个关卡中开启所有的Extras道具(单人模式)

Sea turtles, mate 25G

Ride on all types of animal in the game 骑过游戏中所有的动物

There's the Jack I know 25G

Get True Pirate in all levels (Single Player Only) 在所有关卡中达到True Pirate(单人模式)

Aye-aye, captain! 15G

Play a level in co-op 在合作模式下完成一个关卡

You're off the edge of the map 15G

Highlight the secret 6th point on all 4 level select maps (Single Player Only) 在4个神秘地图关卡中找到神秘的第六地点

Hello, beastie 25G

Get eaten by the Kraken 10 times 被Kraken吃掉10次

Fire! 15G

Fire 100 cannonballs 使用大炮100次

Fight to the bitter end! 20G

Defeat 100 enemies 消灭100个敌人

Five lashes be owed 15G

As Jimmy Legs, whip Will Turner 5 times 作为Jimmy Legs去鞭打Will Turner 5次

Hoist the colours! 50G

Sail all the minikits in the hub 将所有的小零件放进水里

Parley! 25G

Unlock all characters (Single Player Only) 开启所有的角色(单人模式)

What do you want most? 25G

In any level use only the compass to find all it's secrets in one go, alone. 在任何一个关卡中只使用指南针独自去找到所有隐藏的秘密

You filthy, slimy, mangy cur! 15G

Complete all the Guard Dog levels 完成所有的Guard Dog关卡

Try wearing a corset 15G

Do 5 lady backflips in a row 连续做5个后空翻

Pieces of Eight 88G

Reach 888,888,888 studs 收集到888,888,888个图钉

Did everybody see that? 20G

High dive into the Maelstrom 从高处跳进Maelstrom

Wind in your sails! 15G

Hit a flying parrot on Smuggler's Den 将一只飞行中的鹦鹉击进Smuggler's Den

And really bad eggs 25G

Play as all the Extra Toggle characters 使用所有的Extra Toggle角色

Savvy? 15G

Unlock all the Jack Sparrow characters (Single Player Only) 开启Jack Sparrow的所有角色(单人模式)