
tesla model s什么意思

tesla model s什么意思


tesla model s什么意思

Tesla Model S是一款由Tesla汽车公司制造的全尺寸高性能电动轿车,外观造型方面,该车定位一款四门Coupe车型,动感的车身线条使人过目不忘。此外在前脸造型方面,该车也采用了自己的设计语言。另值得一提的是,特斯拉Model S的镀铬门把手在触摸之后可以自动弹出,充满科技感的设计从拉开车门时便开始体现。

tesla model s



1.The plan--to drive the all-electric tesla model s from los angeles to san francisco--was simple.

计划很简单——把纯电动汽车特斯拉(Tesla)Model S从洛杉矶开到旧金山。

2.The feds are investigating the three fires in tesla model s cars that are reported to have hit debris in the road.


3.What's gotten his attention is the tesla model s's range of up to 265 miles--depending on battery option--on a single charge.

根据电池选择的不同,特斯拉Model S单次充电后续航里程最长可达265英里,这吸引了艾克森的注意。

4."We're being very opportunistic about this," straubel says of the charge stations, which, so far, work only on tesla model s sedans. "


5.Tesla already offers different battery sizes with different ranges on the s model.

比如特斯拉公司就已经开始提供电池容量和续航里程都有所差异的Model S。