




spawn-fcgi是一个小程序,作用是管理fast-cgi进程,功能和php-fpm类 ,简单小巧,原先是属于lighttpd的一部分。后来因为使用比較广泛。所以就迁移出来作为独立项目了。本文介绍的是这个版本号“spawn-fcgi-1.6.3”。只是从公布新版本号到眼下已经4年了,代码一直没有变动,需求少,基本满足了。另外php有php-fpm后。码农们再也不操心跑不起FCGI了。

非常久之前看的spawn-fcgi的代码。当时由于须要改一下里面的环境变量。今天翻代码看到了就顺手记录一下。就当沉淀.备忘吧。用spawn启动FCGI程序的方式为:./spawn-fcgi -a -p 9003 -F $${count} -f $${webroot}/bin/demo.fcgi这样就会启动count个demo.fcgi程序,他们共同监听同一个listenport9003,从而提供服务。spawn-fcgi代码不到600行,很简短精炼,从main看起。其功能主要是打开监听port,绑定地址。然后fork-exec创建FCGI进程。退出完毕工作。老方法,main函数使用getopt解析命令行參数,从而设置全局变量。假设设置了-P參数,须要保存Pid文件,就用open系统调用打开文件。之后依据是否是root用户启动,假设是root,得做相关的权限设置,比方chroot, chdir, setuid, setgid, setgroups等。

重要的是调用了bind_socket打开绑定本地监听地址,或者sock。再就是调用fcgi_spawn_connection创建FCGI进程,主要就是这2步。int main(int argc, char **argv) if (!sockbeforechroot -1 == (fcgi_fd = bind_socket(addr, port, unixsocket, sockuid, sockgid, sockmode))) return -1; /* drop root privs */ if (uid != 0) setuid(uid); else //非root用户启动,打开监听端口,进入listen模式。 if (-1 == (fcgi_fd = bind_socket(addr, port, unixsocket, 0, 0, sockmode))) return -1; if (fcgi_dir -1 == chdir(fcgi_dir)) fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: chdir( %s ) failed: %s , fcgi_dir, strerror(errno)); return -1; //fork创建FCGI的进程 return fcgi_spawn_connection(fcgi_app, fcgi_app_argv, fcgi_fd, fork_count, child_count, pid_fd, nofork);

bind_socket函数用来创建套接字。绑定监听port。进入listen模式。其參数unixsocket表明须要使用unix sock文件,这里不多介绍。函数代码页挺简单。莫过于通用的sock程序步骤:socket()- setsockopt()- bind()- listen();static int bind_socket(const char *addr, unsigned short port, const char *unixsocket, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, int mode) //bind_socket函数用来创建套接字。绑定监听端口,进入listen模式 if (-1 == (fcgi_fd = socket(socket_type, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: couldn t create socket: %s , strerror(errno)); return -1; val = 1; if (setsockopt(fcgi_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, val, sizeof(val)) 0) fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: couldn t set SO_REUSEADDR: %s , strerror(errno)); return -1; if (-1 == bind(fcgi_fd, fcgi_addr, servlen)) fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: bind failed: %s , strerror(errno)); return -1; if (unixsocket) if (0 != uid || 0 != gid) if (0 == uid) uid = -1; if (0 == gid) gid = -1; if (-1 == chown(unixsocket, uid, gid)) fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: couldn t chown socket: %s , strerror(errno)); close(fcgi_fd); unlink(unixsocket); return -1; if (-1 != mode -1 == chmod(unixsocket, mode)) fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: couldn t chmod socket: %s , strerror(errno)); close(fcgi_fd); unlink(unixsocket); return -1; if (-1 == listen(fcgi_fd, 1024)) fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: listen failed: %s , strerror(errno)); return -1; return fcgi_fd;}fcgi_spawn_connection函数的工作是循环一次次创建子进程,然后马上调用execv(appArgv, appArgv);替换可执行程序,也就试执行demo.fcgi。static int fcgi_spawn_connection(char *appPath, char **appArgv, int fcgi_fd, int fork_count, int child_count, int pid_fd, int nofork) int status, rc = 0; struct timeval tv = { 0, 100 * 1000 }; pid_t child; while (fork_count-- 0) if (!nofork) //正常不会设置nofork的 child = fork(); else child = 0; switch (child) case 0: //子进程 char cgi_childs; int max_fd = 0; int i = 0; if (child_count = 0) snprintf(cgi_childs, sizeof(cgi_childs), PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=%d , child_count); putenv(cgi_childs); //wuhaiwen:add child id to thread char bd_children_id; snprintf(bd_children_id, sizeof(bd_children_id), BD_CHILDREN_ID=%d , fork_count); putenv(bd_children_id); if (fcgi_fd != FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO) close(FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO); dup2(fcgi_fd, FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO); close(fcgi_fd); /* loose control terminal */ if (!nofork) setsid();//运行setsid()之后,parent将又一次获得一个新的会话session组id,child将仍持有原有的会话session组, //这时parent退出之后,将不会影响到child了[luther.gliethttp]. max_fd = open( /dev/null , O_RDWR); if (-1 != max_fd) if (max_fd != STDOUT_FILENO) dup2(max_fd, STDOUT_FILENO); if (max_fd != STDERR_FILENO) dup2(max_fd, STDERR_FILENO); if (max_fd != STDOUT_FILENO max_fd != STDERR_FILENO) close(max_fd); else fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: couldn t open and redirect stdout/stderr to /dev/null : %s , strerror (errno)); /* we don t need the client socket */ for (i = 3; i max_fd; i++) if (i != FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO) close(i); /* fork and replace shell */ if (appArgv) //假设有外的參数,就用execv运行,否则直接用shell运行 execv(appArgv, appArgv); else char *b = malloc((sizeof( exec ) - 1) + strlen(appPath) + 1); strcpy(b, exec strcat(b, appPath); /* exec the cgi */ execl( /bin/sh , sh , -c , b, (char *)NULL); /* in nofork mode stderr is still open */ fprintf(stderr, spawn-fcgi: exec failed: %s , strerror(errno)); exit(errno); break;

上面是创建子进程的部分代码。基本没啥可说明的。对于子进程:注意一下dup2函数。由子进程执行,将监听句柄设置为标准输入。输出句柄。比方FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO 0 号在FCGI里面代表标准输入句柄。函数还会关闭其它不必要的socket句柄。


对于父进程: 主要须要用select等待一会,然后调用waitpid用WNOHANG參数获取一下子进程的状态而不等待子进程退出。假设失败就打印消息。否则将其PID写入文件。

default: /* father */ /* wait */ select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, tv); switch (waitpid(child, status, WNOHANG)) case 0: fprintf(stdout, spawn-fcgi: child spawned successfully: PID: %d , child); /* write pid file */ if (pid_fd != -1) /* assume a 32bit pid_t */ char pidbuf; snprintf(pidbuf, sizeof(pidbuf) - 1, %d , child); write(pid_fd, pidbuf, strlen(pidbuf)); /* avoid eol for the last one */ if (fork_count != 0) write(pid_fd, , 1); break;
