matlab二分法求方程x^3-x-1=0
的有关信息介绍如下:这是源代码:
在matlab中保存为:bisection.m
function
rtn=bisection(fx,xa,xb,n,delta)
%
Bisection
Method
%
The
first
parameter
fx
is
a
external
function
with
respect
to
viable
x.
%
xa
is
the
left
point
of
the
initial
interval
%
xb
is
the
right
point
of
the
initial
interval
%
n
is
the
number
of
iterations.
x=xa;fa=eval(fx);
x=xb;fb=eval(fx);
disp('
[
n
xa
xb
xc
fc
]');
for
i=1:n
xc=(xa+xb)/2;x=xc;fc=eval(fx);
X=[i,xa,xb,xc,fc];
disp(X),
if
fc*fa<0
xb=xc;
else
xa=xc;
end
if
(xb-xa)
end
>>f='x^3-x-1';
>>bisection(f,1,1.5,20,10^(-3))
[
n
xa
xb
xc
fc
]
1.0000
1.0000
1.5000
1.2500
-0.2969
2.0000
1.2500
1.5000
1.3750
0.2246
3.0000
1.2500
1.3750
1.3125
-0.0515
4.0000
1.3125
1.3750
1.3438
0.0826
5.0000
1.3125
1.3438
1.3281
0.0146
6.0000
1.3125
1.3281
1.3203
-0.0187
7.0000
1.3203
1.3281
1.3242
-0.0021
8.0000
1.3242
1.3281
1.3262
0.0062
9.0000
1.3242
1.3262
1.3252
0.0020
从结果可以看出,
这个解为:1.3262