




2016考研英语冲刺:作文常见错误分析考生在考场上由于心理状态不佳、基础知识不牢固等多种原因,英语短文写作中经常会写出各种各样的病句、错句。考生最容易犯哪些错误?这些错误有哪些危害?怎样写才是正确的句子?下面就给各位考生分析常见的错误类型。一、错误的危害性首先,影响文章质量,这些错误的句子会使得文章在内容表现上不能很好地表达出作者的意图,乃至影响文章的整体结构、方向。其次,降低阅卷老师对考生英语水平的评价,当然,老师对你作文分数的评定肯定就下来了。同时,据有关数据分析,首段出错更容易降低分数。二、错误种类1. 汉化英语由于文化、地域和传统的不同以及语言本身的差异,考生最难避免的问题就是汉化英语的存在,people mount people sea之类的,中国人民的创造历史无穷的。但是考场英语切忌不可如此,考生平时要多读、多记、多译,以减少和避免这种现象的出现。下面我们通过两个例句来认识一下。①Taking park part into sports can give you a good body. (错误)Taking part into sports will keep us fit and healthy. (正确)②Although everyone is equal to an opportunity, but not everyone can seize it.(错误)Everyone is equal to an opportunity, but not everyone can seize it.(正确)2. 语言结构错误(1)一致方面主谓一致、代词一致、时态一致是英语语法的基本规则,但由于汉语在这方面没有类似规则,很多考生容易出现错误。在写作过程中,考生应尽量避免母语在这方面的思维干扰。①Whether one likes or dislikes advertisements , we are actually bombarded with it every day. (错误)Whether we like or dislike advertisements , we are actually bombarded with it every day.(正确)②He was the only one of the villages who were killed in the earthquake. (错误)He was the only one of the villages who was killed in the earthquake.(正确)(2)时态语态方面英文时态语态方面的错误会使得句子逻辑结构混乱,考生在写作过程中要格外注意。There were many reasons for the decline in traffic accidents now. (错误)There are many reasons for the decline in traffic accidents now.(正确)(3)搭配修饰错误英文词语搭配和修饰语使用与汉语存在一些差异,考生平时要注意积累,避免文章中出现此类错误。①At the age of eight , I began to learn English.(错误)When I was eight years old , I began to learn English.(正确)②Teachers always have confidence and ambitions for their students .(错误)Teachers always have confidence in and ambitions for their students .(正确)通过今天的学习,各位考生是不是认识到了文章中病句的危害性了呢?这几种错误的类型大家有犯过吗?有的话就快快改正吧。最后,预祝各位考生金榜题名!点评:语句通顺,句意流畅,言辞优美,叙写形象、生动、鲜明,语言表达能力较强。脉络分明,层次感强,叙气说井然有序,纤毫不乱。文章杂而不乱,能做到详略得当,重点突出。