的有关信息介绍如下:山顶洞人(Upper cave man)
Chinese North China area paleolithic period later period anthropolite.Is the later period wisdom person.Because of discovered acquires fame in the Beijing Choukoution keel mountain person from Beijing ruins crown summit hole.In 1930 discovered that, 1933~1934 year China Geological survey Cainozoic era Laboratory manages by the Pei article in carries on excavating.With the anthropolite together, the unearthed stone implement, the bone hornware and the perforation decorations, and had discovered China knew the earliest burying until now.The geological age for the end of the epipleistocene, divides into periods according to the radioactive carbon, the age for is apart from now 18865±420 year.The upper cave man is in the matriarchal clan commune time, the female in the social life the leading function, establishes the ties of relationship according to the matriarchal blood relationship.
In Beijing, China's suburb Choukoution keel mountain ape-man hole once discovered many Peking man fossil, but in the mountain most peak stalactite hole, namely in the summit hole, in 1933 had the new person stage fossil human bones to be unearthed.Called this is an upper cave man.The geological time is equal to the European paleolith later period.Is at least 7 human body human bones, the age scope from the newborn to the old age.Three skull preservation is good.According to Wei Duirui (F.Weidenreich) the position, in which masculine old person and the European gram Rome farmers are similar, adult female skull A is the beautiful Raney west Asia person, adult female B is similar with the eskimo.Wei Duirui embarks from this fact, believed ancient times time person's individual difference compared with today race difference for big, this is as a result of various places person after the choice, but has had today race's variation.Now general many does not accept this view, thought the upper cave man is undifferentiation Mongolia is the race (the yellow race).