
《实习医生格蕾》第六季剧情 医生命运前瞻

《实习医生格蕾》第六季剧情 医生命运前瞻


《实习医生格蕾》第六季剧情 医生命运前瞻

想知道《实习医生格蕾》第五季大结局中的悬念下文如何么?想知道George O'Malley和Izzie Stevens医生在生命线上苦苦挣扎的结果么?根据E!Online的报道,下一季中谜底就会揭开。《实习医生格蕾》第六季中,观众将看到至少有一位医生离我们而去,而也将有一位演员不再回到剧组。

离去的那位将是……扮演O'Malley医生的T.R. Knight。E!Online称有迹象表明,Knight去意已决,导致其与《格蕾》决裂的主要原因是同“大家长”制作人Shonda Rhimes之前的分歧。有谣传称扮演Izzie的Katherine Heigl和Knight都因为各种不同的原因打算离开《实习医生格蕾》,据悉两人都对各自出镜时间过短心存芥蒂,同Rhimes的不和也是阻碍继续合作的绊脚石。

目前Katherine Heigl角色的命运尚悬而未决,她也很有可能和剧组翻脸不认。

According to E! Online, the dueling cliffhangers from this season's Grey's Anatomy finale--Dr. George O'Malley and Dr. Izzie Stevens were both hanging on for dear life when the screen went black--will result in at least one death and at least one actor leaving the show. And that actor is…

T.R. Knight (Dr. O'Malley). E! claims multiple sources have confirmed Knight's departure, and says tension with showrunner Shonda Rhimes is the main reason. For some time now, rumors have said that both Knight and Katherine Heigl (who plays Izzie) have been trying to leave the show for various reasons--lack of on-screen time and differences with Rhimes chief among them.

The fate of Heigl's character is still up in the air, and she could very well be on the outs as well.