美剧 glee第二季何时上映
管理提醒: 本帖被 btaco 执行加亮操作(2010-06-10)
全国大赛:“我知道第二季的结尾是在纽约举行的全国大赛。不过我不知道他们(New Direction)能否成功——我们都还没有确定。”
Even before season one concluded (with one of the best episodes yet!), Glee viewers given a few teases and spoilers regarding what's ahead.
We know the show will be adding love interests for Kurt and Mercedes, as well as a controversial Christian character.
What else can fans expect from season two? It's never too early to offers up a few clues, figures creator Ryan Murphy. He tells Entertainment Weekly that the first six episodes of the fall will focus on "how does our society treat and feel about funding for the arts, and the answer is not very good."
Below, Murphy spoils a bit more. Fans can look forward to...
More artist tributes: "The Madonna episode was so popular, I think I’m gonna do two tribute episodes - one in the fall and one in the spring - and we’re figuring out who those artists are.”
New characters: Says Murphy, regarding Kurt's potential boyfriend: “I just want him to be an everyday dude. And I want him to be sort of struggling [with his sexuality] and Kurt helps him deal with it and in the process they fall for each other.”
A nationwide competition: “I know that season two ends with Nationals in New York. I don’t know if they’ll make it - we haven’t figured that out.”